How to choose a car refrigerator


It's hard to imagine, but some 5-10 years ago, many car owners did not even know about the existence of such a car accessory as a car refrigerator. It's hard to imagine, but some 5-10 years ago, many car owners did not even know about the existence of such a car accessory. like a car refrigerator.

The content of the article:

  • Types of car refrigerators
  • Criterias of choice

Today, in the era of technology development and the desire of people to make their life as simple and comfortable as possible, such accessories will not surprise anyone. Auto-refrigerator is indispensable for long trips by car or outings in nature, as it allows you to cool food products, thereby extending their shelf life.

In order for a car refrigerator from a useful and irreplaceable accessory not to turn into unnecessary "trash", you need to know the basic parameters and criteria for its choice, which will be discussed below.

The main types of car refrigerators

Car refrigerators are divided into several types according to the principle of cooling: compressor, thermoelectric and the least common - absorption.

Refrigerators of the first two types are great for short trips, but the last one is the most correct and practical solution for long tourist trips and auto travel.

1. Compressor auto-refrigerators

Compressor refrigerators have a cooling principle similar to household refrigerators, where cooling is achieved by heating the liquid refrigerant. Such devices are capable of maintaining temperatures down to -20 ° C and are well suited for storing ice cream, frozen vegetables and fruits and meat. Compressor refrigerators "pick up" the cold faster than others and are less energy-intensive.

On the domestic market, there are models of very different volumes (from 18 to 250 liters), which allows you to choose a device for any tasks and needs. They are economical, capable of maintaining a stable temperature for a long time, and are also available in a variety of sizes and form factors, but not without drawbacks. Refrigerators of this type are sensitive to vibrations and shocks, and also have a rather high cost (from 16,000 rubles and more).

2. Thermoelectric refrigerator

Thermoelectric refrigerators, unlike compressor ones, do not have moving parts, and the cooling effect is achieved due to the Peltier effect: an electric current passes through special semiconductor plates located both inside and outside the refrigerating chamber, while the inner plates are cooled, and the outer ones, on the contrary , heat up. A distinctive advantage of thermoelectric refrigerators is that when the polarity is reversed, they can be used not only for cooling, but also for heating food.

Refrigerators of this type are characterized by high inertia, which means they are more suitable for maintaining the temperature of pre-chilled products. Often, thermoelectric refrigerators are small in size and volume in the range of 0.5-50 liters. The cost is not high and starts at 2,000 rubles, while budget models can only be powered from a car cigarette lighter, and more expensive ones can also be powered from a household network. The main advantages: the ability to work in two modes (cooling / heating), noiselessness and resistance to vibration and shock.

3. Absorption car refrigerators

Absorption refrigerators carry out their work due to the absorption of ammonia solution and water, as well as their subsequent heating. Such refrigerators are distinguished by larger dimensions than refrigerators of thermoelectric type, but have a higher cost, comparable to models of compressor coolers. The advantages include undemanding power supply (they can work both on electricity and gas), noiselessness and efficiency.

4. Insulated bags: a great alternative to a full-fledged refrigerator

Also, special isothermal bags can be attributed to the number of car refrigerators, which differ in their minimum cost and are able to maintain the temperature of chilled or heated products for some time. Such bags are made of nylon and a special isothermal layer, which allows you to maintain a "working" temperature for up to 12 hours. The most significant advantages of insulated bags and containers are:

  • a wide variety of models in shape and volume;
  • low cost (from 250 to 1000 rubles);
  • lack of a power source, which allows them to be used not only in the car, but also in camping trips or picnics.

What to look for when choosing a car refrigerator?

Before you go to the store to buy a fridge, you need to decide on a number of key parameters, on which the final choice will depend:

  • Volume. For those who like to travel alone, car refrigerators with a volume of up to 5 liters are perfect. For a company of several people, it is better to look towards refrigerators with a volume of 30 liters or more.
  • Temperature conditions. It is worthwhile to clearly understand what products will be stored in the refrigerator, which will allow you to choose the option with the most optimal operating temperature range.
  • Operating conditions. In cases where the car refrigerator can be subject to significant shocks and shocks, it is better to buy a thermoelectric refrigerator or an isothermal bag.
  • Duration of trips... You should not buy an expensive car refrigerator if it will be used for short trips to nature. In such a case, it is better to do with an isothermal bag, which not only is not afraid of shocks, does not require a power source, but also has a minimum cost.

In conclusion, we note that a car refrigerator is an irreplaceable, compact and practical device, which is indispensable for lovers of both long and short-term car travels.
